Words matter...
and at Clever Whale Concepts, we help to craft and share them.
Whether it’s health and medical writing to persuade,
or web and social media campaigns to inspire,
or technical documents to inform,
we love taking what’s unknown, complicated or ignored –
and presenting it in clear and compelling ways to different audiences,
across all kinds of media.
We’ve helped with…
Medical and health marketing
Inform, persuade and connect with healthcare audiences from clinical specialists to consumers. Change how they think, feel and act towards your brands and products. We concept and write clinical paper summaries, SEO-friendly articles, sales aids, leave behinds, patient booklets, slide kits, reference packs, press releases, e-learning modules and continuing education materials.
Academic writing and editing
Eureka! Your latest research breakthrough needs a proper hearing. We help write accurate and readable abstracts, newsletters, posters, conference proceedings, symposia/meeting materials, journal contributions, primary papers and clinical summary reports. Carry on saving the world and let us format your references.
Social and website storytelling
Content is still king. We've launched brands online from idea to completion with stories that inspire, educate and amaze. We ideate, craft and execute web and social media campaigns across Instagram, Facebook, blogs, online stores, and more. In a distracted age, we'll help you cut through with a compelling, sharable story.

Stop stacking your sentences with scrambled ideas. We’d love to share some tips so you’ll craft words that leave readers wanting more.
Website design
Making a difference in your community? Let the world know about it. Ask us for some ideas to help you get started with your own web presence.

What's with the beached as whale?
Clever Whale Concepts is a backcronym for Cheryl and William Chong (though we do think whales are cool). We’re based in Auckland, New Zealand – city of beaches, volcanos and orcs (they help to keep the COVID out).

Tell us your latest challenge...
and we’ll get back to you with some helpful ideas!
Clever Whale Concepts · William and Cheryl Chong · 1 Tim 1:15